It’s not because the first black candidate is on the ballot this year. I’m sure Obama has worked very hard to get where he is, but his color and race are of no concern to me as a voter. His lack of experience and blatantly Marxist views are very important to me. McCain barely warrants comment, because he is a pale carbon copy of similar views, with Iraq being his only redeeming policy. The fact that most American voters don’t care enough to know anything beyond the latest sound byte is depressing.
The thought of Obama working with a Democrat majority in Congress is frightening. The thought of McCain compromising in the name of bipartisanship is not much better.
I always complain that Congress doesn’t accomplish anything of merit. I suddenly find myself hoping that they will accomplish even less in the future. Nothing suddenly sounds much better than the alternative. No legislation is better than bad legislation, but that has always been the case. I’m afraid that all our representatives will find themselves able to pass bills when they know they won’t have any opposition.
On the other side of the ticket, we have John McCain, whose only redeeming quality is his military service. That alone, however, is not qualification enough to be President. I absolutely refuse to forgive the McCain-Feingold CFRA. So, up until recently, I didn’t have a candidate in this election.
Now that Bob Barr is in the race, I couldn’t be more excited. Although I disagree with Barr on Iraq, we differ on minor points not significant enough to discourage my support. Also, it is the only point on which I disagree with Barr. For the first time, I have contributed to a campaign and signed up to volunteer. The following reasons will explain why I support Bob Barr.
A truly viable third party candidate is running this year. I do not buy into the wasted vote mantra of the Republicans, but it’s nice to have a candidate worthy of my vote.
I’m tired of voting for the least offensive candidate. In the past I’ve had no candidate I supported on most issues. Voting for President is not a high school popularity contest.
Most importantly, Barr supports smaller government, personal freedom and lower taxes.
The American voter as become complacent. Although I am concerned about terrorism, I am more concerned about my government and my liberty.
Barr has valid experience and supports Federalist principles. I am willing to accept that he has learned from past mistakes and genuinely means what he says. I can’t think of many politicians who live up to that standard.
The major parties have become virtually indistinguishable and won’t change until they get tossed from office.
I am very interested in the results of this election, probably more than any previous election since I started voting. It will be an interesting year. I can’t paint fast enough to get all the ideas out of my head. Barr is doing a great job breaking onto the national scene and exposing the system as broken. It’s very encouraging to see him doing so well, so early. It’s not about winning, it’s about changing the system. Raising awareness is the first step.
How to Wash a Trucker Hat the Right Way
3 years ago
aka Striker101 at Digg, where we just became Friends. I just looked up atop my desk where I have 6 of Ayn Rand's books. Have 4 kids all slightly older than you, sent them all 'Atlas Shrugged', which has been my bible since about 1964. I wanted to drop by your website for a moment, and will participate with you a bit on here later... there is sooooo much to do!
my own website is
we are on the same path.
Thanks for checking me out. I'll look at your site asap. I'm working on 2 shows right now and feel like I'm going nuts. Thanks for the support.
Great to know there are rational artists out there who are real individualists, not the liberal or socalist garbage they pass off as "art" today that trashes capitalism and makes a mockery of our natural rights in the Constitution. I've read almost all of Ayn Rand's books. She is a great inspiration for me on politics, economics, and life in general. I esp. like The Fountainhead(individualism vs collectivism). As a kitchen designer, I can relate with Howard Roark. Keep up the good fight and the great art.
Thank you for the comment. I too am sick of the liberal mentality of the art community. That's why I recently did a series on artists, based on the drivel and animosity I sometimes deal with in my effort to show my work. There's just too much garbage out there masquerading as art, and most of it is just the same old crap.
I have to say my favorite is Atlas Shrugged because it has so many great characters. I'm getting ready to start a series based on her writings. I'll keep you posted.
Anyone who argues against the liberally biased art community is ridiculously ignorant. That's the problem with "conservatives" (which you really say to mean Christian theists). Others think they mean "capitalist" when they say "conservative". They too are wrong. Those who consider being "conservative" as supporting the original constitution are the only ones who I would describe as even remotely conservative. What you folks are interested in when you say "conservative" is your narrow-minded special interests in theology-based idealism.
Based on the history of great artists in the past, it seems to me that philosophy has little to do with style and only a little to do with content. Furthermore, note that politics is related to society whereas art is often introspective and based around the individual. That is why there is a natural bias of art towards individualism, which is the basis of liberalism. The inaccessible, intolerable, bourgeoisie art community that you say keeps you from being mainstream is not a natural product of being liberal--but rather from being popularized and distributed among the exclusive upper crust of American (capitalist) art community. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that, I'm just saying that this is the same reason you and many other artists aren't successful: supply and demand. Maybe you will have better luck with "socialized" art (on the internet...where quantity>quality).
When you rage against the "liberally-biased art community" you are just raging against one specific sub-culture of the art community. It is by no means the only culture, but you are probably heavily involved in it and concerned (1) because you are a minority and (2) because your art isn't well regarded.
Stop being so buffoonish. Go out and make the change in yourself that you wish to see in others. Educate yourself and then fight for change. Only then can you fight the injustices facing your sub-culture. Not by ignorant running of the mouth.
By the way, I hope anyone here that is interested in a political career will heed my advice before you go the way of Palin.
It's funny that you would automatically assume I'm a Republican and run off at the mouth as you put it. I happen to be a Libertarian. I see no differance between Republicans and Democrats as you are both interested in big government. Did you even read anything on the page beyond the header and possibly the artist statement?
As to the art community, if you are part of it, you know you are lying. If you are not part of it you don't know what you are talking about. Liberals talk a big game about diversity and open-mindedness until they disagree with someone. Then you make assumptions and personal attacks. I am speaking from experience on all counts you mentioned regarding the art community.
As for market, it's out there and I will find it. I'm all about market-based incentive. I don't need anyone to sell my work, but the hypocrisy and narrow mindedness are juvenile at best.
Nice try with the Christian bashing although I don't see the connection, as I am an atheist. Again, did you even read anything describing the art? The Religious iconography has a symbolic purpose not connected to spiritualism.
On a final note. Your sort loves to talk about feelings and having to sell out to commercial interests. I'm living the Liberal wet dream right now. I paint in my spare time, scrape up the money for materials, loose sleep, and struggle for access to an audience. Isn't that the romantic vision of suffering for your art? I'm painting what I feel, you just don't like it. Also, I refuse to paint what people want to see, but rather what I consider important,god forbid I think while I do it!
Thank you for the complement of showing me that I hit a nerve. Whether or not you gain anything from it is of no interest to me. The fact that it pisses you off so much, shows me that I'm accomplishing my goals. Have a nice day!
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