I am providing a link to a letter to Congress, in the hope that it will inspire you to write your own. Regardless of your point of view, or level of agreement, you should not sit idly by while our government runs roughshod over our lives and the future of our children.
I am currently writing my own letter to Congress and President Obama, in protest of the rampant escalation of government interference in the market and our private lives in an absurd attempt to 'correct' issues caused by government interference in the market and our private lives. I am also enclosing pages from Atlas Shrugged with important quotes and passages underlined so the people who can't even read a Bill that affects the future of our country, won't be forced to read the entire book. There is a campaign going, http://go-galt.org/, that is encouraging people to mail copies of Atlas Shrugged to Washington. Since I cannot afford to buy so many copies, and my husband assures me that they will end up in the trash, I have decided to send the most important parts in an effort to preserve my extra copy for the more important purpose of loaning to friends.
If you feel as I do, that our government is out of control, do something about it. We may not agree on all issues, but we can work together to change the things that are causing us mutual concern. The most important issue at hand is the loss of our individual liberties and the unconstitutional expansion of government. America is a Republic. God forbid it ever become a Democracy. Do you want to be at the mercy of mob rule? I don't!
More to come soon, in the mean time here's an excerpt from the letter mentioned above....
Posted by SavantNoir at http://www.spinpolitico.com/
Unalienable rights were not conferred by Man, they were bestowed by a Creator, nor was it ever intended that they be taken by Man. Our individual rights operate within the sphere of a civil society that recognizes our individuality and right to discover and exercise our potential so long as it remains tempered in such a way as to not infringe on another’s rights. Although all men are created equal in the eyes of the law, we all remain unequal in character, temperament, aptitude, drive, and spirit. Legislature that seeks to homogenize man will erode a civil society and undermine industrious productivity.
Unalienble rights are the basis for a Moral Society and the fabric of National Unity. Each individual is granted the freedom to practice their spirituality in any manner they deem fit, so long as they respect our cultural heritage. Immigrants refuse to be assimilated into our country and the Liberals tear our foundations to shreds as they deny America so as not to offend others. History has shown repeatedly that once a Society loses all moral ground, the culture disintegrates and fails. Ironically, the primary reason Terrorists seek to destroy us is because in their eyes we are morally decadent and a blight to humanity. In our own country, morality is eschewed for ever-changing hedonistic perversity which is to be accepted as normal, while religion and spirituality are deemed the new perversity. Without underlying connectivity of a Moral Code that is strengthed by the ability to communicate effectively with Societal members sharing a common language; we to will soon implode from within.
A civil society is maintained by a rule of law that is known, just, predictable, and applied equally to all people. The framework for these laws is set forth in the Constitution, which preclude the use of arbitrary manipulation and the abuse of power that such manipulations result in. The arbitrary manipulation of these laws undermines freedom of enterprise and erodes financial markets. How is it possible for a company or individual to plan for tomorrow when there is no legal certitude of what that tomorrow may bring?
Our modern Utopian Liberal leaders believe in the power of Government where the few are dictating to the many. With total abandon they seek to negate the equal opportunity of the individual to explore and benefit from his/her own unique potential, by illegally suppressing individuals into a state of equality through manipulation of the law and authoritarian pressures never intended by our Founders.
The Constitution is clear in delineating Federal power, and specifically enumerates the confines it should operate within. Beyond these narrow parameters the power remained with the states and the individuals. The Liberal’s thirst for power constantly manipulates public perception via their endless litany of false pretexts and grievances that incessantly demonize the industrious, the earnest, and the successful as the perpetrators of civil inequity that they use to rationalize further government intervention. The goodwill of unfettered man can be demonstrated over and over again in our history, and although not perfect, the benevolence of his nature that is born within the womb of freedom outstrips greatly the animosity and discord created via legislated constraints. Will a small business owner feel goodwill towards an employee he is forced to endure and compensate despite a lack of contribution, simply because of compliancy to Union contracts?
We Americans are outraged watching our Leaders commit political and economic schizophrenia. We will no longer tolerate the greed, corruption, collusion, incompetence, and manipulations. The Liberals are drunk with power and the cathexses of their impoverished and tarnished soul plays out in our Society in self-defeating contradictions. Let’s consider in small part how Government intervention and the Liberal hyperbole have undermined this country...
How to Wash a Trucker Hat the Right Way
3 years ago
Thank you, anonymous for your lengthy response. You obviously put much thought into your treatise.
I can't say I agree with everything you say, but I certainly appreciate your support of my blog and your effort to stand up for what you think is right. If I agreed with nothing else you said, you would be happy to know that I can't stand Oprah either. That woman has been making me sick for years. The celebrity worship of our culture is a sad fact as well. I can't understand how every minute of some actor/athlete/politician's life can be so important to so many people. I have far more important things to deal with in my life. When you add the hypocrisy and the out of touch mentality of celebrities, it's absurd that so many people buy into their ignorance.
I wish you luck in your endeavors. I know how hard it is to stand up and say what you think. As a Libertarian political artist, I face huge burdens and obstacles dealing with the art community. However, I believe in my heart that I am right and I will not be beaten down by the status quo. I will find the market for my work and I will become successful. I am proud to be a propagandist for individual Liberty, and I will work as hard as it takes to get the word out. Government is the problem, not the solution. Whatever our differences, we can agree on the fact that 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'.
Hello MachinePolitick;
Beautiful posting. I concur that we have gotten so far away from our founder's original vision. Sadly, far too many Americans forget that it is We The People who have to do the heavy lifting to make our nation work. Too many of us have decided to sit back and play with our shiny toys of consumerism and let the government solve our problems (never mind the fact that government created the lion's share of them).
Like you, I cannot bring myself to waste a good copy of Atlas Shrugged on the do nothings in Congress. However, mailing them copies of key passages will do ( and for the truly dense (paging Senator Chuck Schumer and Congressman Barney Frank) may I suggest sending a tea bag tag and string).
Clifton, Thank you for your encouraging response. I did in fact send tea bag tags as well. I saved them up everywhere I went for 2 weeks before I sent the letters.
You are right that it is our responsibility, and I gladly take it on. Good luck in your endeavors, and keep up the fight.
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