Sunday, December 28, 2008

The 'Fairness Doctrine' Looms on the Horizon

I felt, with the ‘historic’ Obama inauguration looming, it would be fitting to address the issue of the Fairness Doctrine. This fancy little bit of legislation is causing concern for many, regardless of political affiliation. I hope you are among those concerned. If you have no idea what this is about – find out.
A quick definition from our friends at Wikipedia:
According to Steve Rendall of FAIR (
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting),
The Fairness Doctrine had two basic elements: It required broadcasters to devote some of their airtime to discussing controversial matters of public interest, and to air contrasting views regarding those matters. Stations were given wide latitude as to how to provide contrasting views: It could be done through news segments, public affairs shows or editorials. The doctrine did not require equal time for opposing views but required that contrasting viewpoints be presented.
This is not an appropriate action for the government to take. In conjunction with HR.1955 (Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007),
which enables the government to label innocent people terrorists, as well as McCain-Feingold, it is a nightmare. George Bush and Congress have done enough to demolish the Constitution and our Civil Liberties. The Fairness Doctrine, like so many other schemes with pretty names, is not Fair. Have you noticed that the nicer the name of the bill sounds, the more knives government is shoving in our backs? The larger issue that many are missing is that it is not the government’s job to determine what is fair. Whenever the government endeavors to level the playing field, someone gets screwed. Even if you are naive enough to believe that it’s fair to stick it to the evil rich, you’re cutting your own throat. With the exception of greedy and corrupt individuals, the average rich guy is doing the rest of us a favor. Who do you think is creating jobs? Where do you think the goods and services that make our lives comfortable are coming from? Whose money is going to keep the economy running when corruption in government and dishonest people of power screw up the economy? Who do you think pays the majority of taxes in this country?
Because the Fairness Doctrine affects speech as well as business, you would think more Liberals would be crying foul. One of their universal mantras is, after all, free speech. Most of them, however, are suspiciously silent. As a political artist and blogger, I stand to be adversely affected by this legislation because the same people working to pass it are now making noise about regulating the internet. Yes, I am looking out for myself. I certainly don’t expect anyone else to do so.

If I have an opinion, I should be able to voice it without scrambling around to find someone who opposes it and giving them space on my webpage. I did all the work to put it together. It is for the promotion of my work. There should be no other content. Anyone who has worked hard to make a name for themselves deserves the reward their success has brought them. If you want to be a famous blow-hard, get off your butt and make it happen.
If you don't like a particular station, don't watch or listen to it. Lord knows I can’t stand Hannity and O’Reilly makes me nauseous. I wouldn’t listen to Air America if you ripped out my fingernails, and I have yet to figure out why tax money is used to support Public Radio and PBS. There are plenty of other avenues for news, Digg being a good example. The internet is a limitless source of information from all points of view.

You have a right to your own opinion and freedom of speech. You do not, however, have a right to be protected from things that ‘offend’ you. If there’s something out there that is beyond your ability to bear, find a constructive outlet for your displeasure. Stop worrying what other people think and live your life how you see fit. You might find you feel better.
The last thing any of us needs is Big Brother breathing down our necks.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

I thought this was a good article, so I added the link.
Enjoy, and Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 24, 2008

A friend asks: What's up with the 2 Party system?

The following is an e-mail exchange I had with a friend before the election. I decided to post it because it is highly relevant to our ongoing problems in Washington. Furthermore, our esteemed candidate for 'change', who is pulling half his cabinet from the Clinton Administration, is shaping up to be more of the same old problems. No suprise there. I'm sorry to say I told you so, but I knew this guy was going to win and continue the Bush/Clinton oligarchy on a larger scale. It's going to be an interesting 4 years.
Question: I was curious to get your thoughts on how America has ended up with a two party political system. I have a few ideas and they're all quite discouraging. I get the sense from your writing that neither of the two present front runners in our presidential election do a lot to excite you and there are certainly alternatives but most voters have this sense that, if they were to vote for one of them, they would be "wasting" their vote (a sentiment I find abhorrent). One possible reason is the amount of money spent on a political campaign has created a situation where the candidate must be backed by a corporation (RNC or DNC). The other possibility is a bit more philosophical but perhaps more plausible. Our culture, for whatever reasons, has come to see issues as strictly right or wrong. I notice that a great many peoples' political views are often not informed by the candidates' platform but by a few key issues that come to serve as pivotal for their vote. Once they have made up their mind on their candidate it means that the other candidates are clearly wrong. This mentality also seems to come up in foreign policy and even religion. It wont suffice that someone or some country may have differing world views. More and more, if someone has a differing view, there is no real debate or exchange, they are simply labeled as wrong and all further decisions are based on that premise. I'm just curious as to your thoughts on this and if you are seeing the same thing I am.
My Answer: I’m happy to answer your questions, please forgive me if I rant. It’s hard to get into politics and resist the urge to be a blowhard. I don’t presume to know everything, or intend to change anyone’s mind. I have opinions, and I’ve found that people like to hear what I think, so here goes.
I had no intention of voting this year until Bob Barr entered the race on the Libertarian ticket. I am sick of voting to keep someone out of office because there is no candidate worthy of my support. This year is different. The only point I disagree on with Barr is
going to Iraq, and I will concede that he knows things I do not. I do agree that it is time to pull out and let them take responsibility for their own country.
I genuinely believe that Barr has changed his mind on the issues that he once supported. I support him because he stands for limited government and individual responsibility. For the first time, I have given money and time to a campaign because I support Barr on principle.
The office of President is not a popularity contest. McBama and their sidekicks do not have a right to my vote by virtue of being insiders. You are right when you say the major parties are like corporations, in the sense that they are huge money machines. The platforms of McCain and Obama are not significantly different on policy, only on matters of degree. It doesn’t matter who gets the pork in an income redistribution scheme. The damage is the same either way. They are both big government, big regulation, and scaremongering good old boys. No one has a preordained right to my vote.
As to morality, it depends on who you talk to. I spend entirely too much time with Liberals who think everything is subjective. And, at the same time, they are
extremely intolerant. Maybe that proves my point. I tend to get labeled a Nazi for having the nerve to be an artist who isn’t Liberal. Although I would argue that some things are clearly right and others wrong(take theft and murder as examples), I will say that people have a tendency to extremism. This is not a specifically Christian or American mindset, but a human one.

On a seperate note, I feel the need to bring up the fact that the major party candidates are funded by federal money. Can anyone explain to me why my taxes should pay for political campaigns? In fact,
one of the candidates this year helped pass legislation on how much I can contribute as an individual. Can you explain the logic behind that? As if that isn't bad enough, they (Republicans and Democrats) work together to keep third party candidates off the ballot and out of the debates. Does anyone else smell the poop? It's ridiculous, and people need to get off their butts and start fighting back. Start writing letters, become politically active, make phone calls, and do what it takes to get these guys in line. If they don't listen, vote for someone else. Voting by party or issues are what got us in this mess. Pay attention to what your Representatives are doing and let them know what you think.

Answering Republicans' Questions

I recently filled out a Republican survey; not because I have any intention of voting Republican in most cases, but because I think they need to know where they are going wrong. Until the Libertarian Party goes mainstream, the Republicans are often the only choice I have.The following questions and answers should help you Republicans out there if you expect to save your party.

How Do You Feel About the Election of Barack Obama as President?
The only reason I'm not terrified is that I refuse to fear my government. If we are going to have a little experiment in socialism to satisfy the masses, let’s get it over with. The faster we hit bottom, the faster the productive people can get back to the business of fixing things.
This is not an exclusively Liberal issue by the way. The Republicans, the Bush administration, and John McCain have as much responsibility for the current situation as the Democrats.

Why Do You Think Obama Won?
Although the most often given reason was Obama's ability to inspire people, I think all of the factors listed had an equal role in his election. (If I remember correctly, the reasons given were 1.A need for change, 2.Dissatisfaction with Bush, 3. The economy)

Democrats expanded their majorities in the House and Senate - although not as much as was projected. Will Congress be more effective or less effective at getting things done (whether you agree with their plans or not)?
I am afraid they will get more done because they now feel justified in their philosophy. They are on a power trip, and they feel like they are making history.

How do you feel about the future of our country over the next four years?
We have been on the path to socialism for some time now. Obama and the Democrats are more than happy to force their philosophy down our throats. Although socialism has historically been a failure, Obama does not care because he intends to create fairness and equality rather than concern himself with the economic results.
The Republican party has shown itself to be more than happy to comply in the name of bi-partisanship and personal gain. The voice of the American people has been ignored, our civil liberties have been trampled, and freedom is becoming an antiquated concept, just like the Constitution.
I suggest a serious re-evaluation of the Republican party's purpose and message, starting with McCain's campaign policy. The differences from Obama's platform are insignificant, as they will yield the same results on a slower timeline. You cannot fight big government on a platform of slightly less government.
Although I recognize that there are exceptions within the party, I do not vote blindly for candidates who call themselves Republicans. I vote on record and policy. Right now, that leads me more to the Libertarian Party than the Republican. I will no longer vote for candidates who do not represent limited government and personal freedom just because they are 'less evil' than their rivals. If that means a Democrat majority, so be it.
The Constitution clearly outlines the limitations placed on government for a reason. We are seeing the results of ignoring those limitations.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

What is it with Liberals?

This blog entry was inspired by a recent comment on one of my posts. When you disagree with their dogma, Liberals attack you on a personal level, rather than engage you in a reasoned debate. It is not the first time I have encountered this behavior, nor is it exclusive to Liberals. They are, however, more prone to it, and therefore masters of the tactic. I don’t expect an explanation that will justify it anytime soon. I just feel the need to vent. The following are examples of the point:

1. Anyone who argues against the liberally biased art community is ridiculously ignorant.
Being college educated and an artist, this accusation is entirely invalid. Although I would not think to describe myself as a genius, it has more to do with my self-confidence than fact. I don’t feel an overwhelming need to assert my superiority over other people. As an artist who is not Liberal and a producer of political art, I have a first hand perspective of the way the art community is biased and their behavior toward dissenting views. It is nearly intolerable to a Liberal artist to face the idea that a fellow artist would be Conservative, and god forbid, Libertarian. Don't dare venture into the realmof political art with such views.

2. That's the problem with "conservatives" (which you really say to mean Christian theists).
Liberals like Republicans can’t see an alternative to the status quo. Also, to be fair, all Republicans are not evangelicals.

3. Based on the history of great artists in the past, it seems to me that philosophy has little to do with style and only a little to do with content.
This point is so ignorant I don’t even know how to address it adequately. Are philosophy and style mutually exclusive? Can you not have a philosophy, and express it through your art? I’m curious to know what this person defines as great art. Jackson Pollock? Mondrian? Various and sundry other hacks with a paintbrush?
Yes, I’m an art snob. I consider art to be something that has an aesthetically pleasing quality, some measure of talent and vision, and a purpose other than merely shocking people. I blame Duchamp. Nailing a urinal to a wall was the downfall of modern art.

4. Furthermore, note that politics is related to society whereas art is often introspective and based around the individual.
Since I am an individual, and my art is introspective, and I’m politically motivated, this argument is invalid. Also, the actions of society and politicians affect my life as an individual, often adversely. Therefore, the expression of my ‘feelings’ through my art is related to politics and my philosophy.

5. That is why there is a natural bias of art towards individualism, which is the basis of liberalism.
This statement is an oxymoron because Liberals are inherently collectivists.

6.but you are probably heavily involved in it and concerned (1) because you are a minority and (2) because your art isn't well regarded. Stop being so buffoonish. Go out and make the change in yourself that you wish to see in others. Educate yourself and then fight for change. Only then can you fight the injustices facing your sub-culture. Not by ignorant running of the mouth.
This is where the name-calling and personal attacks come in. From separate conversations, I have also been informed that I am ignorant and disadvantaged due to a lack of education on my part. I would change my mind if I understood what I was talking about. I’m really a Liberal and just don’t know it.
It’s all very inspirational. We’ll see how long my work is not well regarded. The only point I will concede to him is that Liberals are not the only people who collect art. Therefore, I will carve a niche, through hard work and talent. I know that’s a bourgeois concept, but it’s a burden I will gladly bear.

For the comment in question and my response in their entirety, see my previous posting under: Why is this election so important. The comment in question was posted anonymously.It’s a fun read.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Change you can fear#2: Defining Obama’s Blueprint for America.

There are so many things wrong with this man’s campaign platform; I don’t even know where to start. After slogging through this repetitive and dogmatic treatise on Obama’s socialist dream for our future, I was absolutely amazed that anyone would vote for this man. I can’t believe that people have gotten so lazy and dependant on government. We’re in for some hard times, and need to start fighting for our Liberty now. The days of bread and circuses are upon us, and it won’t be pretty.
The biggest concern I have with the Blueprint for America, is the economic reality of it. Since the government has no means of income other than taxes, I’m having trouble figuring out how Obama thinks he’s going to pay for it. Even if he empties his tax sheltered account in a gesture of good faith to the American people, he won’t come within a century of being close to paying for his programs. I guess some people think it sounds great to stick it to the rich because they can afford it, but there are several problems with that plan.
First, there aren’t enough rich people in the world to pay for it all. Obama wants to give everything to nearly everyone, and he’s not happy to restrict himself to Americans either. The second problem I see is that government rarely does anything well and it always costs much more than projected.
I would say he just wants to help people, but he’s really just like any other politician on a power trip. I would say he just doesn’t realize that the numbers don’t add up. The problem is he said he doesn’t care about the effect on the economy because he’s more concerned about fairness. I have a hard time understanding what’s fair about taking money from people who work for it. He talks about the debt of the Bush administration, but he’s promising to pile on some more. The inevitable result of wealth redistribution in the name of equality is that everyone ends up poor.
I guess he has the messiah complex too, because I got the impression he’s going to solve all the world’s problems while he’s in office. Who can blame him when people burst into tears and faint at the sight of him?
We keep hearing about change we can believe in, but no one has really defined what that change is going to be. We’re told that it’s okay that Obama doesn’t have any accomplishments as a Senator because he inspires people. I’m not feeling very inspired, unless you count the ideas I have for paintings about him. I have a feeling he won’t find that very inspiring, so maybe it’s an even trade. He talks about his ability to change Washington, and my ability to help him achieve that goal, but our goals are not the same. I don’t need another wealthy politician/lawyer/pompous oaf telling me that I can make a difference. I already knew that.
I prefer to have the opportunity to improve my life, rather than have the government screw it up. I don’t want to be reduced to the lowest common denominator; I want people to be responsible for themselves, whatever the consequences. Don’t fool yourself thinking this man cares anything about your needs. He is concerned first and foremost with his own ascent to power. His ideals and their execution are the only other concern he has room for. Not your health. Not your well-being. Not your income. Not your safety. Nothing.

Vote Early and Often, the Mantra of Third World Despots has Entered the Presidential Race.

I gave closing remarks at an art show recently and heard one of the most disturbing things of this election cycle. The owner of the venue made some comments before I went on stage; then asked if everyone was registered to vote. One woman was particularly excited. She added that she had not only registered, but had voted at the same time. Then she yelled out “Vote early and often. I am!”
If that kind of mentality doesn’t terrify the honest people of this country, I don’t know what will. It’s bad enough that people who don’t pay taxes, then go to the government for a handout, are voting. Now they think they have a right to vote as many times as they want in order to put Obama in office. This is how the nasty little despots who are starving the people of South America got into power. You hear about voter fraud from the Left every election, but now that they have a messiah on the ticket, we’re supposed to turn a blind eye to their activities. If McCain or any of the other white guys in this race were encouraging such behavior, there would be such a cry of racism, that we’d all go deaf.
The double standard in this country has gotten out of control. I’m tired of being called a racist and a fascist because I’m white and oppose
Obama’s platform. I couldn’t care less about the color of his skin. I want to talk about his economic policies. I’ve never owned slaves, and didn’t live through the Civil Rights Movement. Why should I pay reparations, or support a candidate because we owe it to black people to put him in office?
I want to see a candidate who will reduce the government to its intended role as laid out by the Constitution. I’m not sure Obama or McCain even know what the Constitution says. The current state of our government and economy is appalling. Obama and McCain won’t change that.
I feel very strongly that Obama is going to win. I hope I’m wrong. On the bright side, I think he will be a one term President. How much damage do you think he can do in four years with a Democrat majority in Congress? Remember, Congress is the Legislative branch of the government, and therefore, cause the most damage with their pork-laden and civil liberty crushing bills. There’s no Reagan waiting on the sidelines this time to pick up the mess and repair the damage when Obama leaves office.
It’s time for the American people to start voting on principle. There are viable third party candidates running in this election. Bob Barr is the best chance this country has right now. It’s time to raise awareness and understanding of his platform. People are getting tired of the status quo. Now is the time to present an alternative.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Artist Statement

My work is about a variety of people and subjects that affect our lives. It is meant to engage the viewer and make them think about the world in which we live. These paintings are not being completed in an order that is relative to one another. Sometimes I just get really angry about some thing or a person or event becomes a big news story and I get inspired to work on that subject. My work is mostly meant to point out the role we allow others to play in our lives. I am most interested in the role lobbyists, unions, activists, media and celebrities play in controlling or influencing our lives through our government and their views. And, of course, there are the politicians and judges who have the most direct control over our lives.
My work is also a response to the overwhelming tendency of the art community to be a bunch of raging Liberals. There seems to be very little political art dedicated to any
other point of view. I hope that one day there will be a greater variety of opinion in the art community. I would also like to see our government break out of the nearly rigid two-party system we currently have. Our government has begun to stagnate, and the politicians, regardless of party, are predominantly concerned with pandering to their constituents and making a buck, rather than doing the job they are elected to do. In the future, I have plans to do some work highlighting people I think have had a positive impact on history as well as people I admire or consider to be heroes.
My work is my personal outlet for my political opinions. I have found that it is not a constructive use of my time to discuss politics with most people and only causes stress to those involved. I am not out to change anyone else's point of view. I believe in the strength and beauty of the human spirit and in an individual's ability to govern their own life. Life and freedom are not given to us by our government. We are born with them and are responsible for maintaining them. We are responsible for our own health, morality and support. We need to realize that the decisions we make affect our lives and are our own responsibility. It is not the government's place to care for us or help us when we make the wrong decisions and harm ourselves. Nor does the government have the right to punish us for doing better than those around us and redistribute our wealth or property for the "public good".
It is the government's job to perform the duties outlined in the Constitution: provide for the national defense, maintain the courts defend the rule of law, and coin money. Everything else should be left up to private enterprise. The government should not be our nanny, or allow special interests to influence the actions of our Representatives. And, God forbid, world opinion should ever be taken into consideration. There are too many people who consider themselves to be morally or intellectually superior to the "masses". Whether or not that is reality is debatable, but they don't have the right to interfere with anyone's life but their own. I hope my work will make you more aware of these issues and influence you to do what you can to change the system.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

My thoughts on compassionate conservatism

I am currently working on a painting that is meant to address the most disturbing aspect of George Bush’s terms as President. As the title suggests, I feel that Compassionate Conservatism is the worst legacy Bush could have bestowed upon the people of the United States. Above all else, it is the one thing about his Presidency that has had the most affect on the most people. As a matter of fact, it is the root of all the problems in his administration. It is the compulsion that drives him to nation building in Iraq, financial bailouts, and bad economic policy at home, and environmental legislation that affects the livelihoods of many Americans.
Compassionate Conservatism, with the support of the Democratic majority in Congress have worked together to the massive increase in national debt, a huge deficit, and increased government intervention in people's lives. The spending programs alone are creating a burden that the taxpayers of today and future generations will struggle to pay.
As a result of this movement within the Republican Party toward compassion and away from Constitutional principles, we are now faced with
one major party in this country that does everything in its power to keep anyone else from challenging their power. Because most voters make their electoral decisions based on Party affiliation, rather than principle, we are faced with a huge problem. The Republicans and Democrats are now fighting to spend more money on their respective constituents, rather than performing the job laid out in the Constitution.
People say W is the worst President in history. Although I find the assertion excessive, I can concede that it has some merit. My main argument is that Congress has had as much to do with the creation of the mess we are in as Bush has. They pass the Bills and write the legislation, therefore, they share the guilt. Bush’s guilt lies in his inability to stand up to his campaign promises and use his power of veto. He let the American people down by running on a campaign of reform and compromising on everything he proposed as well as signing on to huge pork and entitlement programs.
The only redeeming quality of his administration is the prevention of further terrorist attacks since 9/11. Unfortunately, that accomplishment is sullied by the abuse of civil liberties perpetrated in the Patriot Act as well as the enormous debt being incurred in Iraq. Although I
supported the war, I think it is time to let the Iraqi people take responsibility for their own country and remove another source of debt from the American taxpayers.
It is not our government’s job to take care of us, protect us from ourselves, or dictate morality to us when no one else is harmed by our actions. Our government should stop trying to police the world, and let the American people choose who and how much they help with foreign aid on a personal level. There is no justification for the government dictate charity at the point of a gun.
For more information on these topics and some politically relevant art, check out There's new work going up all the time, and it's all about increased freedom and limited government.

Friday, August 22, 2008

OpEd - My concerns for America by Jon Voight

Obama sowing socialist seeds in young people: there's nothing else I can say about it. Mr. Voight is confirming the opinion I already had. I'm glad to see that there are some reasonable people in Hollywood after all.

read more | digg story

Monday, July 21, 2008

Why is this election so important?

It’s not because the first black candidate is on the ballot this year. I’m sure Obama has worked very hard to get where he is, but his color and race are of no concern to me as a voter. His lack of experience and blatantly Marxist views are very important to me. McCain barely warrants comment, because he is a pale carbon copy of similar views, with Iraq being his only redeeming policy. The fact that most American voters don’t care enough to know anything beyond the latest sound byte is depressing.
The thought of Obama working with a Democrat majority in Congress is frightening. The thought of McCain compromising in the name of bipartisanship is not much better.
I always complain that Congress doesn’t accomplish anything of merit. I suddenly find myself hoping that they will accomplish even less in the future. Nothing suddenly sounds much better than the alternative. No legislation is better than bad legislation, but that has always been the case. I’m afraid that all our representatives will find themselves able to pass bills when they know they won’t have any opposition.
On the other side of the ticket, we have John McCain, whose only redeeming quality is his military service. That alone, however, is not qualification enough to be President. I absolutely refuse to forgive the McCain-Feingold CFRA. So, up until recently, I didn’t have a candidate in this election.
Now that Bob Barr is in the race, I couldn’t be more excited. Although I disagree with Barr on Iraq, we differ on minor points not significant enough to discourage my support. Also, it is the only point on which I disagree with Barr. For the first time, I have contributed to a campaign and signed up to volunteer. The following reasons will explain why I support Bob Barr.
A truly viable third party candidate is running this year. I do not buy into the wasted vote mantra of the Republicans, but it’s nice to have a candidate worthy of my vote.
I’m tired of voting for the least offensive candidate. In the past I’ve had no candidate I supported on most issues. Voting for President is not a high school popularity contest.
Most importantly, Barr supports smaller government, personal freedom and lower taxes.
The American voter as become complacent. Although I am concerned about terrorism, I am more concerned about my government and my liberty.
Barr has valid experience and supports Federalist principles. I am willing to accept that he has learned from past mistakes and genuinely means what he says. I can’t think of many politicians who live up to that standard.
The major parties have become virtually indistinguishable and won’t change until they get tossed from office.
I am very interested in the results of this election, probably more than any previous election since I started voting. It will be an interesting year. I can’t paint fast enough to get all the ideas out of my head. Barr is doing a great job breaking onto the national scene and exposing the system as broken. It’s very encouraging to see him doing so well, so early. It’s not about winning, it’s about changing the system. Raising awareness is the first step.

Friday, July 11, 2008

It’s too much trouble to find out what a candidate stands for.

This is something I was told in a recent conversation. It was delivered with a straight face – the man was completely serious. He went on to say that it’s easier to watch the campaign ads closer to the election and pick the one who sounds the best. This, essentially, is what is wrong with the American voter. Everything has become dependent on the latest sound bite, the latest promise of a handout, the best way to benefit from the system. People are lazy, they don’t care, and they want to be taken care of. It’s so much easier to blame someone else than to take responsibility, so lets put someone else in charge of everything. These are all reasons why I think Obama has a good chance of winning the election.
He has learned to master the sound bite. He is a performer of high talent, and even runs his campaign like a ringmaster or game show host. You can register to win a place next to him at the convention. The Presidency has become a popularity contest. He seems genuine, even when he changes his position to please the current audience. He inspires people. No one cares about the substance of his speeches, or the consequences of enacting his proposals.
I can’t help but wonder what is so inspiring about income redistribution.
How is compulsory volunteerism different from slavery? How is diplomacy going to work against people who dream of martyrdom and the annihilation of our country? When has the government ever run a social program that didn’t become a gaping black hole sucking money and freedom from the people? Where in the Constitution does it say that the government should do these things?
The fourth of July has become just another day to barbeque, because
the majority of people don’t want to be free. Freedom requires personal sacrifice, responsibility and work. No one wants to make the effort anymore. Let the government take care of it.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Change you can fear#1: Defining Obama’s Blueprint for America.

There are so many things wrong with this man’s campaign platform, I don’t even know where to start. After slogging through this repetitive and dogmatic treatise on Obama’s socialist dream for our future, I was absolutely amazed that anyone would vote for this man. I can’t believe that people have gotten so lazy that they would put this guy in office. We’re in for some hard times if Obama gets the Presidency with a Democratic majority in Congress. The only up side to the whole thing is the inspiration it has given me for a series of paintings. The level of taxes I’ll have to pay if I sell them makes me reconsider the practicality of working for myself. The days of bread and circuses are upon us, and it won’t be pretty.
The biggest concern I have with the Blueprint for America, is the economic reality of it. Since the government has no means of income other than taxes, I’m having trouble figuring out how Obama thinks he’s going to pay for it. Even if he empties his tax sheltered account in a gesture of good faith to the American people, he won’t come within a century of being close to paying for his programs. I guess some people think it sounds great to stick it to the rich because they can afford it, but there are several problems with that plan.
First, there aren’t enough rich people in the world to pay for it all. Obama wants to give everything to nearly everyone, and he’s not happy to restrict himself to Americans either. The second problem I see is that government rarely does anything well, and it always costs much more than projected.
I would say he just wants to help people, but he’s really just like any other politician on a power trip. I would say he just doesn’t realize that the numbers don’t add up. The problem is, he said he doesn’t care about the effect on the economy because he’s more concerned about fairness. I have a hard time understanding what’s fair about taking money from people who work for it. He talks about the debt of the Bush administration, but he’s promising to pile on some more. The inevitable result of wealth redistribution in the name of equality, is that everyone ends up poor.
I guess he has the messiah complex too, because I got the impression he’s going to solve all the world’s problems while he’s in office.
We keep hearing about change we can believe in, but no one has really defined what that change is going to be. We’re told that it’s okay that Obama doesn’t have any accomplishments as a Senator because he inspires people. I’m not feeling very inspired, unless you count the ideas I have for paintings about him. I have a feeling he won’t find that very inspiring, so maybe it’s an even trade. He talks about his ability to change Washington, and my ability to help him achieve that goal, but our goals are not the same. I don’t need another wealthy politician/lawyer/pompous oaf telling me that I can make a difference. I already knew that.
I prefer to have the opportunity to improve my life, rather than have the government screw it up. I don’t want to be reduced to the lowest common denominator, I want people to be responsible for themselves, whatever the consequences.
Don’t fool yourself thinking this man cares anything about your needs. He is concerned first and foremost with his own ascent to power. His ideals and their execution are the only other concern he has room for. Not your health. Not your well-being. Not your income. Not your safety. Nothing.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

How big government takes, rather than gives

I recently signed up as an online activist for the Bobb Barr campaign and came across the following question on his Facebook page. What will this country become if we continue to be led by big government politicians? Now that I have had time to think on it and do a little research, I have come to a more informed conclusion in much the same vein as the reply I posted there. The following is my response:
I am voting for Bobb Barr in this election because I think he will do more to make our country and each individual within it more free than it is now. He is running on a platform of smaller government and lower taxes, the two most important issues directly affecting our lives in this country. I believe that if we continue on the path of big government handouts and regulation that we are paving for ourselves, this country will become less free and more like the countries that envy us so much for our success.
We have politicians in this country fighting to make us more like our Canadian and European counterparts, where people can't get healthcare or languish on waiting lists because of the inefficeincies of government. We have people running for office on a campaign platform that promises change with no real definition, because the change being promised always leads to the problems our friends in the third world struggle to overcome. High unemployment, food shortages, and a lower standard of living for all is the historic result of policies meant to redistribute wealth and micromanage people's actions in the name of fairness. We have people who call themselves Conservatives talking about obscene profit, refusing to address our dependence on foreign oil, and buying into global warming hysteria. Big government has the same results regardless of the point of view, or execution of ideals.
These politicians talk about fairness and equality, but their true goal is power. Even if they genuinely care about the people, they are more concerned with enacting their ideals, at any cost, than they are with truly helping the people. The result is never to bring the poor up, but to bring the rich down. The result is that we all loose something.
The best thing the government can do for the people is to do the job it was set up to do and leave the rest to the people, for better or worse. Personal freedom and free markets allow people who work hard to achieve anything. It may be callous, but people who don't care to help themselves, don't have any right to the profits of someone else's hard work. Personal freedom will allow people to achieve what no government can give them. If you think we have problems with healthcare and the economy now, wait until we start to see the results of change for its own sake.They say there's no such thing as a free lunch. If you wait around for the government to feed you on someone else's dime, you deserve the slop you will get.