Here are some of the photos I took on the day of the March. I spent most of my time people-watching and writing in a journal, taking pictures mostly for art references. There was so much going on and there were so many interesting people I would have missed if I had been taking pictures the whole time. I've been back a week, and I still can't find words to express all of the things I saw and felt on the trip. I was extremely inspired by the people I met, the architecture and history of DC, and the conversations along the way. I will share the art as I create it, and look forward to any feedback you may have.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Photos From 9/12 March on DC
Here are some of the photos I took on the day of the March. I spent most of my time people-watching and writing in a journal, taking pictures mostly for art references. There was so much going on and there were so many interesting people I would have missed if I had been taking pictures the whole time. I've been back a week, and I still can't find words to express all of the things I saw and felt on the trip. I was extremely inspired by the people I met, the architecture and history of DC, and the conversations along the way. I will share the art as I create it, and look forward to any feedback you may have.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Grass Roots Conservatism has Found its Wings
Last week in DC, one of the things I heard most often from Conservatives was a regret at their own complacency. For years we've all been working hard to support our families and contribute to society. We've been minding our own business and tolerating the destruction of our culture, based on some misplaced concept that the Left has a monopoly on creativity. We've been burdened by an unearned guilt for having a better life than the 'less fortunate' among us and the sins of slavery and racism that many of us are too young to have been responsible for. And finally, we have misplaced our trust in the very people we have sent to Washington to represent our concerns.Conservatism reached an epoch on 9/12. We stood shoulder to shoulder with over a million of our fellow Conservatives and experienced a universal epiphany - we are not alone in our desire for a better America, nor are we an angry minority. We are concerned, hard working, patriotic individuals with a common cause. We have united in the defense of America as a Constitutional Republic, with a representational government that is subject to specific limitations and we have the power to change that government if it becomes bloated and over-reaching.
The reason I directed you to the article above, was to point out to you that Conservatives are finally learning to be activists. We are learning to play the game, and it is the only way we will have a chance. When I first heard about the 9/12 March, I was disappointed because I knew I could not afford to go. Two weeks before the event, I got an email from a fan of my art inviting me to go; I need only pay for my food. It turns out, there was a woman in Maryland with a vacant rental property that she was offering up as lodging for the event. The only requirement for use of the space was to have posters for the 9/12 March. I spent a frantic week making posters, which I signed and numbered to hand out at the rallies, and packing camping gear, preparing my family for my absence, etc.
The drive up from Georgia was beautiful, and I had many interesting conversations with Stan, who drove us up in his car. When we arrived at Karen's house, she was there with several friends and tons of food. The kitchen was charged with a level of excitement and camaraderie that I have not experienced in a long time. We all became good friends over the course of the weekend and I hope to see them all again. On Friday, 9/11, Stan and I played tourist around DC while the rest of our group shuffled between appointments with their Congressmen. I took loads of pictures and notes to share with you here as I develop ideas for larger projects. We were two of hundreds of people milling about the streets of the Capitol, excited to be part of an active effort, reaching out to one another and sharing stories. I met many wonderful people and it was one of the most encouraging and inspiring experiences I have ever had. We are learning to reach out to one another. To trust each other and to stand strong in the conviction that we are right.
There has been very little honest coverage of the event from any of the MSM since I returned, a reality I was already prepared for before I left. I don't need the external validation of a disdainful media or a corrupt government to know that my actions make a difference. I am not bothered by the lack of coverage or the disparaging descriptions of the event. I was there. I know what happened. I know why it happened, and I know in my heart that Conservative activism has just taken flight. I am proud of my fellow Americans, regardless of where they stand on this issue, for their determination to speak out and be heard. Until we engage in open debate with one another, face to face, we will not solve the problems we face as a nation. We must remove the power of government to control and destroy our lives, the influence of the media over our thoughts, and engage one another in an effort to solve our own problems. A revolutionary moment is upon us, and we must not allow it to go to waste.
This article is cross-posted at Liberatchik
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Photos Available at MachinePolitick
With two weeks to plan, organize and prepare for the trip and the rallies, I was running myself ragged trying to prepare. I had a wonderful idea to promote my art, which I will share with you at some future date. In preparation for the rally, I made posters, signed and numbered to hand out at the March. I also made posters for a rally at Walter Reed Hospital in support of our wounded troops.
The experiences I shared, friends I made, and inspiration I received during the trip are too numerous to put in a single post. This will be the first of a series to describe what I saw and how I can use it to promote the Liberatchik project.
I will leave you for now, with the main point I took away from this long weekend: This is an extremely exciting event. An epoch. A point from which there is no turning back - and the collectivists among us are terrified.
This Article is cross-posted at Liberatchik.
Art by the People vs Art for the State
Before I went to DC for the 9/12 March, I was all fired up by the NEA. That would be the Endowment for the Arts, rather than the equally useless National Education Association. The reason, as I pointed out in previous articles, is the move by the NEA to sponsor pro-Obama agenda items.
I've always opposed entitlement programs. However, State Sponsored Art is an affront to my talents as an artist and my principles as an individual. I decided to launch an artistic revolution against the NEA and its participating hacks, sell-outs and parasites. If the government wants to promote propaganda that pushes their agenda, pay for it with tax money and keep it quiet so they can develop "legal language" to 'protect themselves', I'm going to give 'em hell. I don't need to go into the historic significance of such a move, or incite you to anger on this issue. If you're not angry, you're not paying attention, and there's nothing I can do for you.
When I found out I was going on the March, I spent the week and a half I had to prepare making posters for the event. At some future date, you will be able to purchase them as t-shirts and other merchandise. In the mean time, here are some photos from the lawn of the Capitol Building.
This Article is cross-posted at Liberatchik.
Monday, September 7, 2009
I am going to the Taxpayer March on Washington
MachinePolitick is going to Washington DC!
September 10 – 13, 2009, I will be joining thousands of other Patriotic Americans who are fed up with the growth of government, federal spending, and bureaucratic intervention in our personal lives. The Tea Party Movement and it's supporting foundations have organized a March on Washington for 9/12. Some of us will be visiting Walter Reed Hospital on the evening of the 11th to say thanks to our wounded soldiers as well.
There is an itinerary of events and speakers for the event in addition to the March that will occur on 9/12.
I was not expecting to attend the event, but a generous fan of my art has offered to take me along. I will be making posters and T-Shirts for the March to the Capitol on 9/12. The posters are handmade, signed and numbered. If you see me there and you would like to have one, be sure to ask. I will gladly give you one while they last. Thanks you to all of you who continue to support my work and efforts with your encouragement and inspiration. I appreciate the opportunity to fight for my country in the only ways that I can – through activism and artistic expression.
Local Updates for Atlanta
I will be participating in the one day show in Norcross as planned, thanks to friends and family who are handling the artwork for me while I am gone. I will be unable to attend the show because I will be in Washington, but I would still urge those of you in Atlanta who can make it to go. The paintings included in this show are: The World According to Alice, Don't Cry for Me Amerika, Silence of the Lambs, and How to Exorcise Conservative Thought in an Artist.
I now have 4 paintings at the Duluth Art Gallery, along with my handmade jewelry. The paintings are: The Sun is Setting on Liberty; The Jersey Girls...; Drill, Drill, Drill; and Spinning With the Winds of Change.
I have a hand-painted violin blank on display at Chocolate Perks, in downtown Duluth. The month of September, Duluth Art Gallery and Huthmaker Violins are sponsoring Street Strings, a community art project. Violins are hanging throughout the shops and along the streets of downtown Duluth, representing the talents of over 100 local artists and organizations.
Check back with me at in the weeks to come, as I will have lots of information and projects to share after the March on 9/12. There is also new work to be added, and an online store should be up soon for those of you who are interested in T-Shirts and other merchandise.
Thanks, and keep up the fight,
Monday, August 24, 2009
A Letter to Sean Hannity
Dear Mr. Hannity,
I attended your pre-concert rally this afternoon in Atlanta. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to speak, as I was unable to get tickets for the Freedom Concert. I was the short woman in the front row with the anti-Che Guevara shirt on, so I had a good view of all of the speakers. I appreciate all of your hard work to fight the corruption and manipulation of the American people by their own government. You help give a public voice to those of us who are being ignored by our Representatives in Washington. Please give me a minute to explain to you who I am, and what I am doing to fight for my country.
I am neither a soldier, nor a politician. I am a housewife and an artist. Seven years ago I realized that I must combine my passion for politics and Liberty with my talents as an artist. I was not inspired to paint pretty pictures or create art that would merely sell. I was driven to create work that makes people think, and in turn, inspires them to take action. About a year later, my husband and I planned to have our son and prepare for me to stay home and care for him while building a body of work that represents my views. We have given up much to keep me home with our son, rather than send him to daycare. We have given up even more so that I can pursue my art, and my vision for work that will spread the message of Liberty, individualism and limited government. I am not asking for sympathy or charity, merely understanding. I stand by the choices I have made and regret nothing.
Now, he is in school, and I devote a great deal of my time to producing art and trying to find a venue for it. You may wonder how I expect to make a difference with my work, or why I would choose subjects that are so unpopular with my peers in the art community. The answer is: Because it is the right thing to do. There is very little work coming out of Hollywood, the music industry, or the fine arts that is patriotic, much less Conservative. I think this is one of the major reasons why we Conservatives are struggling so hard to beat back the Liberal agenda. All of the arts have such a pervasive influence on our culture. Our children grow up with beliefs they don't know they have, and no reason beyond the drivel they see on TV or hear on the radio. I believe it is vital to our culture and our future to change this. We must present work that upholds and explains the virtues of Liberty. We need to explain why the individual is better than the State; independence and self-reliance are better than security; limited government provides greater opportunity than the bureaucracy in Washington. I am doing these things with my art. And, slowly, I am finding more people who are brave enough to do the same. It is my intention to build a network of Conservative artists who are known for their principles as well as their work. I want Conservatives, who have turned their back on art, and assume that we are all raging Liberals to know they have a choice and a voice. They can buy art that is good, meaningful, and supports their principles. We can change the culture of America, and we must, but we need help.
We need Conservatives to support us. I am not asking for a favor or money unearned. My work speaks for itself, and I intend to build a market for it. However, I need help. I have no influence, no disposable income, and no support for the message I am trying to spread. I need money, yes, but I also need publicity. I need people to know I am here; working long hours, not just creating the art, but trying to promote it. I am building a Conservative art movement from the ground up, while trying to manage my home and be a good mother and wife. My husband is a talented writer, and it is my goal to build a business from my art, so he can stay home and write.
Again, thank you for all of your hard work. I hope you had a wonderful evening at your concert. If you have a moment, please look at my art. I hope that you will be able to see the time, passion and research I have devoted to my work and my goals. I hope you will share my conviction that we must repair the culture of America if we are to convince people of the greatness of this nation. And, I hope you will take a minute to spread the word. In return, if there is any way I can help you or the Freedom Coalition with my work, I would be happy to do so. Perhaps we could organize a fund-raising auction for your scholarship fund. I would gladly donate a percentage of the sales of my work to your fund for the children of fallen soldiers. Our brave soldiers are the ones who sacrifice the most for our freedoms, and it is a shame that they are currently serving a government that has no concept of or respect for freedom.
Thank you for your time. And I wish you the best. Hopefully, we can work together to build a culture of Liberty-minded individuals and restore America to the Constitutional Republic she is meant to be.
Frances Art That's Not Liberal
I am Sick to Death of the HEalth Care Debate
I keep putting off this article, and finding it more and more necessary to write. There is so much information and anger out there on this subject, that I am absolutely exhausted. (A 'short' list of articles to follow) I have always distrusted the government, and it often earns me rolling of eyes and scoffing from others. So be it. And, because I am fed up, let me just say: "I told you so". If you can't see the current behavior coming out of Washington as proof of big government, you never will.
We live in America, yet assembly is considered terrorism. We live in America, yet speech is considered evil. We live in America, where our Representatives insult and ignore us. We live in America, where we are on the verge of tyranny. Go ahead, roll your eyes. But don't look to me for sympathy when your nanny puts you over her collective knee and spanks you for getting out of line. Your day will come, don't doubt it for a minute.
Now that I've gotten my rant out, let me get on to a more reasoned presentation. We currently have a President who would rather beat us to death with Rules for Radicals, than allow dissent. Apparently he is the ultimate authority on everything, even when he 'doesn't have all of the information'. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what he knows, because he just wants to be in charge. Repeat after the teleprompter: "The State knows what is best for me". He is backed by a majority in Congress who have no respect for the people they represent. They gloat about their power and dismiss their constituents with accusations and insults. They have grown confident in their ability to wield their power unchecked. All of them are followed and propped up by a lazy and unwitting or avaricious vocal minority who would sell their souls for a 'free' ride at the expense of the rest of us. The greatest mistake we have made is to be decent, hard-working people who respect the opinions of others.
The media plays along by willfully misrepresenting the facts to curry favor and promote an agenda. We see newscasts on major networks editing footage to portray angry black men as white racists. I guess the journalistic standards went out the window with limited government. All of this, while ignoring the deceit and hypocrisy of the President. The level of anger, class and racial tensions being promoted recently is creating damage that will take years to repair. Americans are being pitted against one another on manufactured grounds and escalated fears that are resulting in resentment and anger toward one another rather than those who are responsible.
This article will be cross-posted at my Modern Conservative.
The promised reading material:
Universal HealthCare and the Waistline Police, The GOP SHould Fight HEalthCare Rationing, Pay to Play Politics, The SEIU, and Obamacare, HealthCare is Not a Right, Stimulus Bill Wins Final Approval from Senate, Grandma's Run, Grand Inquisitor Endorses Obama Health Plan,HealthCare Overhaul Threatens States, Government Run HEalthcare Plan Worse Than Anyone Imagined, Democrats Grow Wary as Health Bill Advances, Obama Tries to Pitch HealthCare on Conasumer Level, Democrats May Limit Tax Increase for Health Plan, Who Will Tell Michael J. Fox He Needs to Die, You Are Terrifying Us, Obama May Drop Government Run Health Plan,Big Government, Big Mistake, Obama's HealthCare Horror, Obama's Orwellian Advisor...
Principles for Allocations of Scarce Medical Interventions
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Letters From MoveOn: The Angry Mob
"It's getting ugly out there.
All across the country, right wing extremists are disrupting congressional town-hall meetings with venomous attacks on President Obama's plans for health care and clean energy...
If the shouts of the right-wing mobs are the only voices our representatives hear over the recess, we'll have a hard time passing health care and clean energy legislation..."
These emails always come with articles that are meant to validate whatever point is being made in the email. Typically, they come from outside sources. This week, two of the four links were to MoveOn articles. I don't know if there's any etiquette to this sort of thing, but it seems unprofessional to quote yourself as proof of your own argument. Maybe I've just been giving too much credit to the opposition in the past.
The larger point I am making is this: When Liberals protest or disrupt meetings, it is considered their right to assembly and freedom of speech. When Conservatives do so, they are labeled extremists by media and politicians. When Liberals tout the virtues of Democracy, which is essentially mob rule, no one bats an eye. Never mind that America is a Constitutional Republic. The mere use of the term qualifies me as a home-grown terrorist. When Conservatives demand the attention of their representatives, they are berated as an angry mob.
I only pulled a couple of lines from the MoveOn email this week because most of it was fund raising. The only thing of consequence they had to say was that Conservatives are violent and dishonest. They did site several instances of Conservative violence and threats via effigy. I guess we aren't supposed to know that some SEIU members attacked some of the Conservative protesters. Or, remember all those 'nonviolent' instances of Bush being hanged in effigy. Or Sarah Palin. It seems to me there's enough guilt going around on all sides.
So, on to my final point. Powerful people, be they politicians, judges, journalists, actors - whoever. Power comes in many forms, and the power to influence the masses is an exhilarating power indeed. Fear is the easiest way to exert that power. And make no mistake, this kind of thing is intentional.
I was recently watching an episode of Criminal Minds. A mediocre show, I admit, but I needed a break. Needless to say, I ended up scribbling notes for this post in my notebook. The writers of the show decided, in this episode, to spread a little ant-Libertarian propaganda. Misrepresentation actually. We are, after all, the worst of the right wing extremists.
One of the characters commented: "You know how those Libertarians are, they don't like to pay taxes." I can't speak for all Libertarians, but most of us are not anarchists. We understand the need for government, and the cost of the responsibilities delegated to the government by the Constitution. The courts and the military; the Congress and the office of the President; you know, that stuff the old guys wrote down a long time ago. We also understand that individual liberty comes with responsibility. We don't just go around doing whatever.
Now, the 'Libertarians' in question, are religious fundamentalists - a cult. These are not two belief systems that are mutually exclusive but they tend not to go hand in hand. The second quote I took issue with was: "These guys are Libertarians and the little girls they are abusing are teenagers." I'm sorry, but I have to be a stickler for definitions here. People who think you should be able to do anything you want, to anyone you want, any time with no consequence are called LIBERTINES (Sorry to shout, but it's a huge difference) As I said before, individual liberty comes with tremendous personal responsibility. Everyone has equal rights under the law, and one individual may not take action that infringes on the rights of another. Period.
This is all a convenient tool used to discredit the opposition before they gain support. Fear. If they make you believe, while you are zoned off watching TV, that Libertarians will take advantage of you, you will continue to buy into the broken two-party system. If they equate the words freedom and liberty with anarchy, you will continue to seek 'security' in the arms of the government.
This didn't start in November. It isn't an exclusively Liberal tactic. They just happen to be better at it, and the ones currently wielding power.
To those of you out there making your voices heard - congratulations and thank you. Keep it up. If we don't demand representation from our elected officials, they will continue to do what is best for them. Not us. This is a hard battle we are fighting, but it must be fought.
This article is cross posted at Modern Conservative.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Monumental Liberty Series
I am currently in the process of doing research and putting a series of articles together on a sculptor I met recently. In the meantime, I would like to introduce Matthew Welter, of Timeless Sculptures to you. In these times of increased government and decreased Liberty, it is uplifting to see monumental works in support of our mission here at Liberatchik. Matthew is new to our movement, but not to sculpture or the ideas of individual Liberty and patriotism. Please take some time to peruse his site and learn more about him.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Support from Afar
I'll keep this one short since it's personal. I have a fan in Thailand who owns one of my Liberty drawings. He recently got it framed and sent me the photo and a short blog post. I just wanted to say thanks, and give a link to his blog which I find interesting. Last October, we did an interview, which you can find here.
I'm glad to know there are still people out there who understand what Liberty means and are helping spread the word. Thanks Gary Dale and good luck.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
I've been busy lately
The Day Racism Died, by Jay @ The Break Room This is an editorial on President Obama's recent comments, which he later retracted to a degree, regarding the actions of a police officer doinghis job. Most of you here know how I feel about Obam, so I will leave you with the article.
A series of work @ Big Hollywood by Scott Graves: Warhol, Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 Let me say this: "I can't stand Warhol's work". However, this series of articles raises some good questions about art. marketing, philosophy, and our future as Conservatives (those of us who are) in the creative industries. If you have time, read the whole series and chip in on the comments. I found it worth the time.
A Contradictory Exhibit of Art in Search of Dialogue an article about an art show I attended recently. Those of you who are artists or members of the larger art community should be fore warned: I have very strict guidelines for what I consider art, particularly good art. You may be offended by my opinions. Keep in mind that art is subjective, and opinion is opinion. I definitely have a bias, given my treatment by the art community. When people start telling you to tone it down a bit so you can sell your work, you tend to get a little offensive.
To the rest of you, enjoy. This article is particularly appropriate in conjunction with the Warhol series.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Socialized Medicine, A Crisis We can't Afford to Ignore
Yesterday, I attended a rally at my Senator's office. For those of you who don't live in my district, Saxby Chambliss is one of those worthless 'Conservative' turncoats who does enough to get re-elected, then leaves us twisting in the wind. I have yet to understand why he continues to win re-election after voting for the Medicare Prescription Entitlement bill, the Bush Stimulus that led to the Socialism of the banking and auto industries, and various affirmative action bills. He is also a proud proponent of Congressional pork and bi-partisan efforts to help the less fortunate. In short, he is a Blue Dog Democrat who signed up with the Republicans because he's too 'moderate' for the Progressives and Liberals running the Democrat Party. Even so, the old ladies at the rally yesterday were crooning about how 'he's got our backs on this one" because he's a 'Conservative'. I guess if you repeat a lie enough times, it becomes an acceptable imitation of the truth.
Chambliss's office sent a representative, Mr. Kendall, out to speak to us, so we wouldn't crowd the reception area. Although we met outside the building in the courtyard, we were informed by the representative and security, that we were to move from the area to a park across the street. We were not being loud or unruly, and there were not enough of us to crowd the space, but he was just doing his job so we complied. Conveniently, the park was not only across the street, but below street level, so we were effectively invisible at that point. When the representative from Chambliss's office came down with the security guard to speak to us they looked as though they were nervous. Maybe they're not used to protests, or they have an overblown perception of how people behave, because I don't find a crowd of senior citizens with two moms and a toddler threatening. Maybe the fact that they made us stand out in the sun for an hour before giving us 10 minutes to ask questions had something to do with it. Or perhaps, we looked like a bunch of homegrown terrorists. Your guess is as good as mine.
To be fair, Mr. Kendall, did offer to take us up to the office, but insisted there wouldn't be enough room for us all. He also brought us water - thanks. So, we finally put the question to Mr. Kendall: Does Senator Chambliss support or oppose this bill? Mr. Kendall's response was that he opposes it, but I suspect he is only giving us half the answer. That may be the true reason for his nervous demeanor - Chambliss's record does not support the assertion that he will oppose the bill if he is offered something he wants in return. The other reason I smell a rat on this is the lack of response I have received from their office on this issue. I have sent several letters recently on various issues, and health care is the only one they did not respond to.All of this is bad enough, but this morning I got an article from regarding the Health Care Bill. It says that Obama has given up his attempt to get 60 votes on the bill and instead has decided to use the budget reconciliation procedures to push it through with 50. I'm not an expert on how this works, so please do your homework and verify this claim. Then, do whatever you can to raise awareness of this new tactic to ram government health care we don't want down our throats.
For information on the body of the as well as those not yet up for a vote, please visit the Library of Congress
For information on the voting record of you Congressmen, please visit Project Vote Smart
Saturday, July 4, 2009
My thoughts on Liberty
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Some New Drawings

I am working on a series of drawings for a show with my friend Alvaro. Hopefully we will be on display somewhere in Atlanta by the end of the year.
These drawings are from my Liberty Series and the photos were taken by Alvaro. We try to get together a few times a month to talk politics and art and inspire/push one another to get more art out into the world.
Alvaro has work going on display at MOCA GA soon. More details to come.
A Little Promotion for My Husband
An Unexpected Visit and the Encouragement it Brought
Occaisionally, people contact me via email to let me know they like my artwork. At this point in my career, that is a huge encouragement. Better still, are the people who check in on me regularly to ask how I am doing and let me know they keep up with the blogs. In an age of computer driven anonymity, it is nice to know people care enough to reach out and encourage one another. This is how I first met Laura, who is a dance instructor from Brooklyn. The main focus of her program is to pass on family histories and personal experiences through the medium of dance.
As it turns out, she was on a road trip with her sister's family this week, from New Hampshire to Texas. I received an email from Laura on Monday night asking if my work was available for viewing. She wanted to 'stop off' in Atlanta on her way home if I didn't mind. Seeing as how my work is just hanging around the house, I said come on by. To be honest, I didn't expect her to call me. However, yesterday afternoon, Laura called to say she was heading to Atlanta, and would like directions to my house.I greatly enjoyed the opportunity to meet Laura, and not just because she likes my work. She is an interesting and intelligent woman who faces many of the same obstacles I do. Imagine being a dance instructor in the Northeast, surrounded by Liberals, while being politically Conservative in your views.
Needless to say, our common experiences led to a lengthy conversation on how we can make a place for like-minded people in the arts.Luckily, Christopher and I have already laid the groundwork here at Liberatchik. Being at the forefront of a movement is a very demanding, and sometimes lonely, endeavor. I spend long hours on the computer, away from my family and my art. However, meeting Laura, and seeing her enthusiasm for my work and ideas is all the encouragement I need to persevere. Who knows how many other people are out there, with the same passions and vision, who are afraid to be openly political with their Liberal friends.
I hope that I will soon have the opportunity to introduce Laura to you as well, through Liberatchik. I feel that she will be a wonderful addition to our team.
This article is cross posted @ Liberatchik
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Letters from MoveOn: What Would Obama Have Us Change?
From Daniel Mintz @ "Want to see what Change looks like? Real Change? ...Last week, President Obama unveiled his budget - his and it's ambitious, amazing, and unapologetically progressive. As Paul Krugman said, it will set America on a 'fundamentally new course'. ...President Obama called his new budget a 'threat to the status quo'. ...Unfortunately, most people don't realize how far-reaching and progressive this plan will be - that's where we all come in. Sunday, March 1, 2009.Now, to my point.
What would Obama have us change about 'the greatest nation in the history of the world'?
Would he like us to cease being the land of the free and home of the brave? I think we know the answer to that, don't we?
Would he have us turn our back on the Constitution and the founding principles of America? We're already pretty far down that road without his help.
Would he have us turn our back on the free market and the opportunities available to those who are willing to work hard and prosper? You do realize equality brings us all down to the same level, rather than creating prosperity?
I know he would have us become a Democracy, subject to mob rule, rather than a Republic. When the parasites can control the income and property rights of the achievers, the end is not far off.
Would Obama have us stop our charitable contributions and mission work on behalf of the less fortunate? No, he simply wants control over the definition of needy and the power to distribute our money for his own gains.
Would he have us reduce our military force and weaken our defense against terrorists? Absolutely.
Would he infringe on our civil liberties in ways Bush and Clinton never dreamed of? You bet.
Would he have us surrender our time, money, and property in the name of equality and service to our fellow man? He has said so on many occaisions.
Would he ruin the economy in the pursuit of his concept of fairness? He said that too.
Would he cripple businesses in a quest to end global warming and income inequality? Yes on both points.
Would he turn America from one of the most prosperous countries in the world, to one of the least? Yep.
I have one more question for you: Do you want to stand idly by, while he takes advantage of the successful marketing campaign MoveOn is running on his behalf, or do you want to organize and recruit a truly Conservative opposition? It won't be easy, and it won't happen immediately, but it can happen. The fool's gold looses its luster when the fools realize it won't buy bread and milk for their kids or pay the mortgage.
In closing, I'll leave you with a couple of quotes.
"...His silver tongue seemed tied in knots when he was asked why, despite his promises to cut the deficit, projections have it rising dramatically - trillions beyond what his own office estimates.The true answer is that Obama wants to spend far more than the nation can afford, even with his huge tax hikes. And the more his plans become clear, the less convincing is his claim that they are all tied to the economic crisis." Center for Individual Freedom; Friday, March 27, 2009. Michael Goodwin, New York Daily News
"Obama has surely set the tone for the unfolding riot of Liberal hubris. In his effort to reprise the sort of expression of Liberal power we saw in the Thirties and Sixties, Obama has - without a whiff of self-doubt - committed America to $65 Trillion in extra debt, $65 Billion for each one of his first 1oo days, and that's based on an impossibly rosy forecast of the economy. No wonder Congressional Democrats clamor to take over corporations, tax the air we breath, and set wages for everybody." Jonah Goldberg, National Review Online Editor at Large
Before you accuse me of only criticizing and providing Conservative 'talking points', go to the source of my inspiration: Obama's BluePrint for Change.
This article is cross posted at Liberatchik.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Public Service article at Liberatchik

Your Obligation to Your Fellow Man is Penance for Your Success
I received emails this week from Barack and Michelle, reminding me of my obligation to 'serve the less fortunate'. From the way they talk, you would think I had committed crimes against humanity because I have worked hard and made sacrifices. You see, they consider people like me lucky because I have things others do not. I suppose the irony of their having more than I do has escaped them. Of course, that's different. I'm a white person who doesn't share their views, so they see me as part of the problem, not an active participant in the solution. I am a golden hen to be slaughtered for my 'riches' in order to support their constituents.
I received emails from the fices of Barack and Michelle on the 22nd and 24th of this month, respectively. Here are just a few of the admonishments and veiled accusations contained in their letters
...."I announced United We Serve - a nationwide call to service, challenging you and all Americans to volunteer this summer...and when I say all, I mean everyone...The First Lady is rolling up her sleeves and getting to work too, but before she does, she has this message for you"...
"We aim to make a real difference right now and bring more Americans into a tradition of life-long service to make an even greater difference down the road... There's an old Thomas Edison quote I've always l liked: 'Opportunity is missed by most people because it comes dressed in overalls and looks like work.'...And I believe the chance to serve is a precious gift indeed... As a parent, I think service is a great way to demonstrate values and teach our children firsthand what it means to commit to a purpose beyond ourselves... It should be part of everyone's life. From the moment someone can walk to the day they leave this planet, service should be a part of how we give back, we express gratitude for the lives that we've been given..."
It's time to roll up YOUR sleeves. Not the Obamas', although they are pretending that they will be right there beside us, working to 'improve' America. Not Congress'; they're too busy meeting lobbyists and screwing us over. Not people on the government dole, they'll be on the receiving end of our labor. Not charitable institutions, which are the appropriate organizations to handle community service. US. The productive members of society who are already working hard to make America great. We're supposed to feel guilty for our success and 'good luck'.
We couldn't possibly have worked hard to get where we are. We can't claim to have made sacrifices if they were made for our own benefit or advancement. We are to believe that the only way we contribute to society is by helping those less fortunate, and the only way to do so successfully is under the guidance of government.
As with all of my posts in this Letters series, this is an insight into the mindset of the Progressive. By themselves, these letters are inoffensive in the context in which I receive them. They are being sent out to like-minded drones who are eager to be part of the cool crowd. Some of the underlying points are valid. The problem arises when you examine the larger picture. The Obama's and their ilk don't think we do enough. They think we have an obligation to serve their purposes and they have the authority to enforce their agenda regardless of our willingness to participate.
It is offensive inn the suggestion that they have the right to set standards for our lives. They clearly feel that they have the authority to compel free individuals to serve someone else's needs. By their standards, our lives, property, time and labor are theirs to dispense with and our children are servants to their Progressive agenda.
This sort of thing happened in Germany once. Are you paying attention?
This article is cross posted at Liberatchik.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The James Allen Show: A Review
In my time listening to James' show and perusing his blog, I have seen strong support for the following principles: the necessity for and significance of the Constitution and the checks and balances it places on the government, the importance of morality, the absolute necessity for the use of reason as opposed to relativity, individual responsibility, and the illegitimacy of fear-mongering as a method of influence or political interaction. On the first point, James makes a clear defense of the Constitution as a document written in stone, with the sole purpose of maintaining separation of and limitation on government powers. He defends its place in our society by backing up the role it plays in guaranteeing our individual rights and establishing a rule of law. James does a very good job defining the term 'morality', as well as explaining the importance of having a standard by which to judge our own actions as well as those of others. This point relates closely to the next, which is the importance of reason. Without a clear standard of right and wrong, we cannot expect others to adopt our morality. The use of reason, the practice of backing up our statements with fact, and avoiding emotional reactionism are all practices that help us to interact in a civil fashion.
James clearly has a very deep faith in God, coupled with the ability to accept disbelief in others. His goal seems to be reaching out to others and showing the virtues of his beliefs, rather than pressuring others to accept them. Not being a religious person myself, I find that I am able to approach this subject from an unbiased and non dogmatic point of view. I have great respect for people of faith, who in turn, respect my lack of faith.
In conclusion, I will leave you with 2 points that I found most striking in James' work: 1.The battles we fight reflect what we value.
2.We must present a world view that includes the critical use of reason.
Thanks James, for an informative and enlightening program. To those of you reading this, I encourage you to give him your attention.
This entry will be cross posted at ModernConservative.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Outting the Progressive Agenda
This series in general (Letters from MoveON.), and this post specifically, were inspired by an e-mail I received recently from In an effort to make Conservatives aware of the demons we face in the battle for America and our culture, I am writing articles based on these e-mails. Each one will include some portion of the email, the date I received it, and my concerns and opinions as a result of the message being sent.
This article is addressing an upcoming event in the following cities: Atlanta, Philadelphia and Denver. It is being called Camp MoveOn, and is asking us to "host a member who is coming (to our city) for exciting grassroots leadership training". I couldn't possibly make up this kind of thing, so I will torture you with some more excerpts from the email before launching into my own tirade on the subject.
"...We're working with the same folks behind 'Camp Obama', one of the secrets behind the Obama campaign's effective organizing. ..."On the surface, all of this seems inoffensive and well within the realm of civil organization. When you scratch the surface, and put it in context with the other emails I am receiving, it seems much less pleasant. We all know, by the way, that George Soros is a huge contributor to MoveOn, and he has made statements to the effect that he will do everything in his power to ruin the US. Last, allow me to point out that the Tea Party participants are being ridiculed and berated for openly protesting government waste, while these people are using an underground movement to approach and influence people in their homes. If a Conservative or Libertarian group were behind this, I wouldn't have had the honor of spilling the beans.